Russia, 2014-2016: The new course

Glebova I.I.


The article confirms that in 2014–2015 which became milestones in Russian history, extreme nationalism, anti-Westernism and xenophobia finally shaped in Russia. Kiev Maidan rallied the majority of Russian population covered by nationalist impulses round the «presidential autocracy», being the leader of the nationalist movement. Basing on the ideological level Russia of 2010-ies refused the heritage of perestroika and «democratic project». The new Russian elite of 2000–2010 revived as the «ruling class» and interacted with people in the «ruling – dependent» mode. The not free person, adapted to unfreedom conditions forms the basis of such a society. At the same time, positions of those who are alien to isolationism, anti-Westernism, militarism are rather strong in Russia. The article shows that Russia has chosen the traditional method of isolation – militarization and mobilization; along with this the world is threatened. First and foremost it was the reaction of power to national humiliation during crucial times, to internal problems, the way to divert population from them.


Ukrainian question, nationalism, isolationism and anti-Westernism in Russia, Europeanism, Russia of the mid-2010s, «the new course», militarization of politics and consciousness.

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