«History. Time. Space»: the review of A.B. Davidson’s book «Our Ungone Time» (Moscow: Publishing House HSE, 2021)

Kulikova E.Yu.


The review concerns with the famous historian Apollon Borisovich Davidson’s memoirs «Our Ungone Time». A.B. Davidson’s book consists of memories and reflections about the Leningrad blockade, the post-war years, South Africa and Yale University, politicians and scientists, emigrants and famous poets and writers of the Russian Silver Age (Nikolay Gumilev, Anna Akhmatova, Irina Odoevtseva). Comprehension of the twentieth century, which is characteristic of modernity, acquires special significance in the book: A.B. Davidson writes not only about key moments in history, but also about those years that usually elude the focus of memoirists, as well as events unknown to a wide range of readers. On the pages of memoirs, we meet the true Saint Petersburg intelligentsia, real scientists and party leaders who ruled during the years of repression and after, Africa explorers and foreign people. The amazing fate of the author of these memoirs passes through the entire twentieth century and opens the twenty-first century – the fate of the researcher of South Africa and Britain, Russian history in Russia and abroad.


A.B. Davidson; memoirs; history; Russia of the twentieth century; South Africa; Foreign Russia.

DOI: 10.31249/rsm/2022.02.15

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