The story «Armored train 14–69» by Vsevolod Ivanov is analyzed in the article from the point of view of the correlation in it of historical facts and fiction. As a result of the comparison of texts of different genres: the story «Armored train 14–69» of 1921, the play of 1927 and the scenarios of 1955 and 1963, as well as their editions, the article concludes that the plot is based not on the events of 1922, as the author wrote about it in the 1950 s, but on two anti-Kolchak revolts in Vladivostok – in the autumn of 1919 and in January 1920. The materials presented in the article deepen our understanding of both this classic work of Russian literature of the 20 th century and the events of the Civil War as a whole.
«Bronepoezd 14–69», historical basis, events of 1922, anti-Kolchak revolts of 1919 and 1920, newspaper «Forward», author's dating, characteristics of characters.