«The goals were more ethical than political». From reflections on the G.A. Morev book «Dissidenti»

Kornadut K.D.


Attempts to comprehend the Soviet past have not stopped since the beginning of perestroika, when the domestic press saw the transition from a clear adherence to ideology to reflection. The policy of glasnost announced at the 27 th Congress of the CPSU contributed to the appearance of publications about what had previously been covered up in the official press, in particular about the human rights movement that unfolded in the second half of the century. Researchers continue to return to this topic today: in the media space, you can find many articles, documentaries and lectures on the activities of individual human rights activists and the dissident circle as a whole. One of the attempts to comprehend the history of the Soviet human rights movement was the book by G.A. Morev «Dissidenti», which was released in 2017 in Moscow.


human rights activists; dissident movement; «Chronica Tekushikh Sobitiy»; H. Böll; L.Z. Kopelev.

DOI: 10.31249/rsm/2022.03.15

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