«The Third Battle». The Question of the Ways of Socio- Economic Development of the Soviet Union at the November (1928) Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b)

Feldman M.A.


The victory of supporters of the continuation of the NEP in the April and July Plenums of the CPSU (b) 1928 was only one battle won by the Bolshevik elite, who managed to understand the arguments of Soviet scientists and economists. The November (1928) Plenum of the CPSU (b) became an important frontier – a fork in two possible ways: towards the transformation of the Bolshevik party from an authoritarian type of organization into a totalitarian one, or the preservation of democratic principles in the authoritarian party, the country's movement towards the modernization of a multicultural economy. The outcome of far from unambiguous discussions was the adoption of resolutions of a compromise nature.


Party; Plenum of the CPSU (b); NEP; USSR; development; leadership; scientists; managers; business executives; industrialization; collectivization.

DOI: 10.31249/rsm/2019.02.11

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