The Rise of China in Globalization Paradigm

Gordon A.V.


The article discusses the outcomes of reforms in China (1978–2018), as they are understood by the Chinese leadership. It is emphasized that the period of reforms has become, in the words of Xi Jinping, «a sharp historical turn», significant not only for the development of the country, but also for the worldview of Chinese leadership. In today’s ideological doctrine of the CCP, there is an understanding of the need of what is called «openness» in official documents for the successful development of the country. This concept has become the most important ideological and theoretical innovation in the framework of the political course of «reforms and openness», proclaimed in 1978. Based on this innovation, there emerges a globalization paradigm that determines the country's place in the modern world order. The article describes the importance of the historical process of globalization for the rise of China as well as the contradictions of the globalization challenge for the modern political structure of the country. Apart from this, the text outlines the civilizational approach to globalization, as it is presented in the ideological and theoretical rationale of the policy of «reforms and openness» by the leadership of the CPC: «the dialogue of civilizations», the importance of their interaction and cultural exchange. Attention is drawn to the idea of the unity of diversity in the civilizational development of humankind. Also in the focus is the implementation of the concept of «openness» in China's foreign economic policy: export-oriented industrial production, foreign investment of Chinese capital, the «one belt – one way» project. Indicated are the costs of this policy in the form of the country's dependence on foreign trade and technological investments. This dependence, states the author, is likely to grow due to the depletion of natural resources and adverse demographic processes. From a global historical perspective, it is obvious that China is strongly concerned with the existing world order, provided it would occupy leading positions in it.


globalization; rise of China; ideology of CPC; policy of «reforms and openness»; Xi Jinping; foreign policy of PRC; world order; dialogue of civilizations.

DOI: 10.31249/rsm/2020.02.06

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