The social differentiation processes in the European global cities. The Example of the immigrants’ settlement pattern and the houses prices

Shatilo D.P.


The article aims at a comparative analysis of the residential real estate prices distribution and the immigrants’ settlement patterns with their impact on social differentiation in the largest European global cities. This topic is significant because the immigration and ethnic diversity are increasing in all global cities, including the European ones. Besides, over the last decades, its importance was manifested in a series of tragic conflicts on an ethnic basis. The events in Paris (2005) demonstrated the failure of migration policies and measures to adapt immigrants. Often the causes of socio-ethnic problems seem obvious: immigration minorities create a tense atmosphere in the city and in the districts. That is why conflicts can be interpreted as multicultural. However, in addition to the factor of immigrant settlement pattern, social differentiation in European cities is also influenced by sociocultural contrasts. The article is based on territorial structures analysis of immigrant share and residential real estate differentiation. The houses prices data was collected by the author’s method. It was found that in cities with a long history of immigration, an abundance of immigrants in areas with cheap housing and low incomes is a sign of ineffective integration policies. The immigrants’ concentration in the districts with high resident prices is the result of social growth and successful adaptation. The territorial structures coincidence is more clearly shown in Moscow, because there is a direct correlation of the share of immigrants with housing prices. Foreign European cities experiences are, among other things, important for Moscow, where there are not so many immigrants so far, but their number is constantly growing, though more slowly than in other European cities.


Moscow; the largest European capitals; the immigrants settlement pattern; territorial differentiation of housing prices; socio-ethnic stratification.

DOI: 10.31249/rsm/2021.01.12

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