«A Time of Great Foreboding». Review on: «Social'nye, Kul'turnye i Politicheskie Konteksty Sovremennyh Konfliktov: Materialy XVII Mezhdunarodnyh Lihachevskih Nauchnyh Chtenij, 18– 20 Maja 2017 g.: Preprint» (St. Petersburg: SPbGUP, 2017. 102 p.)

Kiyanskaya O.I., Feldman D.M.


The paper reviews the themes and problems of articles presented in the scientific collection «Social'nye, kul'turnye i politicheskie konteksty sovremennyh konfliktov: Materialy XVII Mezhdunarodnyh Lihachevskih nauchnyh chtenij, 18–20 maja 2017 g.: Preprint» (St. Petersburg: SPbGUP, 2017. 102 p.)


modern conflicts, new world order, multiculturalism, globalization, safe world.

DOI: 10.31249/rsm/2018.04.21

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