This review examines the state and transformations of historical consciousness of Russians in the context of current challenges and geopolitical division of the world, based on the results of an interdisciplinary study conducted by a team of scholars in the field of humanities under the supervision of Academician Mikhail Gorshkov. The collective monograph «Historical Consciousness of Russians: Assessments of the Past, Memory, Symbols (Experience of Sociological Measurement)» / Edited by M.K. Gorshkov. Gorshkov. Moscow: Izdatel'stvo «Ves Mir», 2022. 248 p.) is a significant achievement for Russian academic community. The authors have managed to show the totality of issues related to the processes of socialisation of historical memory in Russia. They analyse the language, visual images, national and state symbols, Soviet and non-Soviet traditions and their perception by different generations of citizens of the country. The study of a large body of empirical data, a comprehensive and multidimensional approach allowed the team of authors to arrive at logical and well-reasoned conclusions that characterise the current state of mass historical consciousness and the peculiarities of the culture of patriotism in the context of strengthening of the Russian civic identity.
Russian society; civic identity; historical consciousness; historical memory; symbols of the country.