Cohesion of Developing Countries in the UN General Assembly: a quantitative analysis of co-sponsorship networks and voting on resolutions

Vakarchuk D.O. , Боровинский А.В.


In modern political science, the associations BRICS and MIKTA, created to promote the interests of developing countries in solving global issues, are of particular interest for study. A common feature of these transregional projects, firstly, is the presence of institutionalization signs, and secondly, the intention declared by the participating states to consolidate their common interests in international organizations. In this regard, this paper attempts to determine the effectiveness of cooperation between the BRICS and MIKTA member states in these organizations. The effectiveness of these states’ interaction is operationalized, on the one hand, by determining the conjugation of their positions while voting in the UN General Assembly, and on the other, through determining the level of intensity of lobbying resolutions by these states within the plenary sessions of the General Assembly and the level of their cohesion in this regard. In an attempt to answer these questions, the authors use quantitative methods to identify patterns of voting on resolutions proposed by developing countries, and also to identify and analyze network patterns of draft resolutions co-sponsorship by these countries. The results of the study reject the hypothesis that the institutionalization of contacts between developing countries through the organization of informal associations has a positive effect on increasing the conjugation of their positions in the world arena. The increase of fragmentation is more characteristic for the BRICS countries. In turn, the MIKTA countries are more inclined to cooperate within the General Assembly in terms of lobbying for joint draft resolutions.


BRICS; MIKTA; UN General Assembly; developing countries; quantitative analysis.

DOI: 10.31249/rsm/2024.01.11

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