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ISSN 1726-5223
Publication Ethics
For Authors
DOI: 10.31249/rsm/2024.01.00
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Russia yesterday, today, tomorrow
A New View of Russia’s Economic Integration Strategy with Central Asian Countries in Modern Geopolitical Realities of World Economy
Kheyfets B.A., Chernova V.Yu.
The Autumn of Autocracy
Glebova I.I.
A Russian diplomat’s social circle in the late 18th – early 19th centuries (Vasily Stepanovich Tomara)
Andreeva G.N.
Russia and the world in the 21st century
East Asia in Global Technological Cooperation and Competition in the 20th and 21st Centuries
Mishchenko Ya.V.
Cross-border migration between China and Russia (2011–2021)
Qian Qianrong
Military-technical cooperation between the PRC and the countries of Central Asia: conclusions for Russia
Perminova A.A.
The Taiwan factor in US-China relations
Babushok N.O.
Political and Economic Significance of the Saimaa Canal in Russian-Finnish relations
Martynov V.L., Balabeykina О.A., Podgornykh I.V., Sazonova I.Е.
Phenomenology of Soviet society
Kemalists and Bolsheviks in the context of the geopolitical confrontation in the South Caucasus in 1918–1920
Alizadeh J.I. oglu
The shock brigades movements: actual content and mythological shell
Feldman M.A.
Reflections, communications, comments
Cohesion of Developing Countries in the UN General Assembly: a quantitative analysis of co-sponsorship networks and voting on resolutions
Vakarchuk D.O., Borovinskiy A.V.
Development of State Management of Military and Technical Policy in Modern Russia
Stezhko V.V.
Some aspects of Russia’s image: results of a field study conducted in Iraq
Grebennikova E.I.
Modern marriage and family and everyday rituals of Russian citizens of Dagestan: traditions and innovations
Seferbekov R.I., Seferbekov M.R., Khalidova O.B.
Political communication in the Modern World. Reflecting on the translation of «Political Communication» by Darren J. Lillecker
Koval A.I.
On translation strategy of metatexts into English in the scientific journals: Russian and foreign experience
Rarenko M.B.
Reviews. Summaries
Social Security in the Modern World: Approaches to Study
Bobkov M.Yu.
Review: Kokovtsov V.N. Bolshevism in action. Moral and economic ruins in the Land of the Soviets. Nizhny Novgorod, 2023. 446 p.
Zaytsev M.V.
European Union: from integration to the search for a «differentiated approach» to the countries of the European Community. Review: Bellamy R., Kröger S., Lorimer M. Flexible Europe: differentiated Integration, Fairness and Democracy. Bristol, 2022. 202 p.
Fadeeva T.M.