To Understand Ukraine. About the Book by P.P. Tolochko «Ukraine Between Russia and the West. Historical and Publicistic Essays» (St. Petersburg: SPbGUP, 2018. 627 p.)

Shmelev B.A.


The review on the book by the famous Ukrainian scientist, P.P. Tolochko «Ukraine between Russia and the West. Historical and publicistic essays» persuasively shows that the book under consideration can be justly considered as a valuable contribution to a better understanding of the events and processes that have taken place in Ukraine since 2014. The Ukrainian historian, argues the reviewer, is quite adamant in speaking his mind on the causes of the political and economic crisis unfolding in Ukraine as well as the ways of resolving it. A separate topic of the book is the current state and prospects of Russian-Ukrainian relations. The book, concludes the reviewer, might be quite helpful for understanding the history and current events taking place in the country, providing the Russian reader with an invaluable glimpse into the psyche of the Ukrainian people.


crisis; nationalism; identity; separatism; federalism; geopolitics; elite.

DOI: 10.31249/rsm/2019.04.14

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