The Ideological Factor and the Turkic Element in Russia’s Policy through the Prism of Transformation of the World Order

Avatkov V.A.


Examining ideological and Turkic factors in Russia’s contemporary policy, the author proceeds from the fact that after the disintegration of the Soviet Union, Russia abandoned the very idea of state ideology. As a result, it had no solid ideologemes that could form the basis for the proper development of the state. However, as time passed, the world order as well as the priorities of the Russian Federation were changing and there appeared a visible demand for new ideas. For this reason, the society now is in acute need for new narratives that will correspond to the vital national interests both internationally and domestically. Today, the state is evidently in search for new ways forward. In foreign policy, there is a concept of the «Russian world», the practical implementation of which is, however, still far from ideal. It is anticipated that the global processes would be directed by the states that pay close attention to new international associations. The ideal of justice that is typical both for the West and East could be one of those factors that might greatly contribute to the reconciliation of the world’s societies. What assumes particular importance for Russia is the Turkic factor. Russia’s most important task is to safeguard the Turkic-speaking regions of the country from external influence, while finding a compromise with external actors that pose a threat to such regions. Central in this regard are our relations with Turkey.


Russia; the world order; international relations; polycentrism; ideologies; the ideological factor; Turkic factor.

DOI: 10.31249/rsm/2020.03.03

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