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ISSN 1726-5223
Publication Ethics
For Authors
DOI: 10.31249/rsm/2021.04.00
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Russia yesterday, today, tomorrow
«The sovereign's word and deed» in the times of the first Romanovs
Chernikova T.V.
The 20th century against absolutism
Glebova I.I.
Russia and the world in the 21st century
The June 2021 Russia-U.S. summit: structuring of confrontation or setting groundwork for the future?
Bubnova N.I.
Social and political turbulence in the post-Soviet space: causes and consequences
Shmelev B.A.
Technological unemployment and universal basic income
Volkov A.M., Seytkaliev R.M.
Environmental protectionism as a factor in the transformation of the industrial and foreign trade structure on the example of Russia and Germany
Kutyrev G.I., Kolomina (Apasova) A.M., Lebedev M.A.
The reaction of the left-wing parliamentary parties (Just Russia and the Communist party) to the Byelorussian post-election protests in august 2020
Gronsky A.D.
COVID-19 and the war in Afghanistan
Machitidze G.G.
Phenomenology of Soviet society
The second five-year plan: the problem of spatial distribution of industry (modern approaches)
Feldman M.A.
Echoes of the «Prague Spring» in the circles of the Soviet dissident intelligentsia
Mikhel D.V.
Reflections, communications, comments
Why did Vladimir baptize Russia? (A nontraditional perspective on the established canon)
Aliev A.A.
Prospects for increasing the role of socially oriented nonprofit organizations (SO NPOs) in the development of Russian civil society
Pilipenko A.D.
Reviews. Summaries
On the fate of the Russian intelligentsia: to the publication of the epistolary heritage of N.P. Antsiferov
Bakshaeva N.Yu.