On translation strategy of metatexts into English in the scientific journals: Russian and foreign experience

Раренко М.Б.


The article deals with the problem of translating metatext into English, which is currently relevant for many scientific publications in Russian. The metatext includes the title of the scientific article, the full name of the author, their affiliation and other information about the author (academic degree, title, position), abstract to the article, keywords, footnotes, references, a link to the article if it is cited, as well as acknowedgements and appendices. The greatest problem for translation is the abstract to the article and keywords. The translation of metatexts should take into account the target audience and be focused on it, therefore, when translating the abstract, special attention should be paid to the speech norms accepted in the host culture (the so-called «primary speech genres » (as defined by M.M. Bakhtin)). The purpose of the article is to explore the strategies for translating metatexts in modern Russian scientific journals and encourage the scientific community to discuss the issue.


translation; metatext; translation strategy; annotation; scientific text; IMRAD; adaptation.

DOI: 10.31249/rsm/2024.01.16

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