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ISSN 1726-5223
Publication Ethics
For Authors
DOI: 10.31249/rsm/2019.03.00
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Russia yesterday, today, tomorrow
The Revolt of the Czechoslovak Corps in 1918: Modern View on the Problem
Kopylov N.A.
«Breakthrough» or Lag? Russian Project in the Contemporary World
Chernega V.N.
Russia and the world in the 21st century
Movement of «Yellow Vests»: View from Russia and France
Bourmaud D., Lapina N.Yu.
U.S. Strategy in the Mirror of Trump’s Immigration Policy
Bubnova N.I.
Financial Resources Invested in Education: Global Trends and Russia’s Features
Semeko G.V.
Phenomenology of Soviet society
Psychoanalysis in Post-Revolutionary Russia (1920–1930s)
Shilkina I.S.
«Issues of Religion in the USSR are the Central Target…» The paper by P.V. Makartsev at the Council for the Religious Affairs of the USSR, February 2, 1977
Belyakova N.A.
Reflections, communications, comments
Policy of the Russian Federation Towards the EU During the Presidencies of Boris Yeltsin and Vladimir Putin
Prudskaya V.V.
Axiological Factors of Regional Development in Modern Russia
Korovnikova N.A.
Russian-Norwegian Cooperation in the Field of Environmental Protection (Drawn on the Example of the Arctic)
Anisimov P.A.
Terrorist Organizations in the EU: An Attempt of Institutional Analysis
Sokolov I.L.
Modernization Potential and Modernization Capital: Facets of Interaction
Yadova M.A.
Reviews. Summaries
Western Countries Against the Terrorist Threat in Asia and Africa. According to the Materials of the Seminar of the Center of Scientific Information Studies on Global and Regional Issues INION (November 8, 2018)
Bitkova T.G. , Manoylo A.V., Novikova O.N., Parkhalina T.G., Sidorov A.S., Trunov Ph.O., SherbakovaT.G. Bitkova, A.V. Manoylo, O.N. Novikova, T.G. Parkhalina, A.S. Sidorov, Ph.O. Trunov, Sherbakova Yu.A.
Institutionalization of Social Responsibility of the State in Russia and Abroad
Kodaneva S.I.
Testing by Time. Review of: Gordon A.V. Historians of the Iron Age. Moscow; St. Petersburg: Center for Humanitarian Initiatives, 2018. 448 p.
Krikh S.B.