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ISSN 1726-5223
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Russia yesterday, today, tomorrow
Russia of the 1990’s: The Neoliberal Path to Neopatrimonialism
Efremenko D.V.
The Rural Youth in Russia: The Present and the Future
Mukhanova M.N.
The Year 1915 in the History of the Russian Empire: Contemporaries’ Letters
Lykova L.A.
Mombauer A. Die Julikrise. Europas Weg in den Ersten Weltkrieg. (Summary)
Lyubin V.P.
Russia and the world in the 21st century
The Russian Far East and the North-East Asia: Investment Cooperation
Lezhenina T.V.
Kirghizia and Tajikistan between Russia and China
Dadabayeva Z.A.
Belarus’ and the Ukrainian Crisis: Ambiguous Estimates and the Search of Solutions
Shanshieva L.N.
Poland and the Ukrainian Crisis
Lykoshina L.S.
The West Balkans and the Crisis in Ukraine
Kaloeva E.B.
Ukraine and Rumania: Dialogue is Possible
Bitkova T.G.
Ukraine in the Foreign Policy of the Chech Republic
Shcherbakova Yu.A.
Russia’s Image in Ukraine: From «Brotherly People» to «Aggressor State»
Babenko V.N.
Facts, events, people
The Russian Hero of France
Leonidov V.V.
Reviews. Summaries
Schiman S. Mittelfristige Prognose der Weltwirtschaft bis 2019. (Summary)
Shabaeva V.I.
Bachmann S.D., Gunneriusson H. Hybryd wars: The 21st century’s new threats to global peace and security. (Summary)
Palatkin D.V.
Foreign Experts on the Change of Macroeconomic Policy in Russia
Polozhikhina M.A.
Russell M. The Russian economy – will Russia ever catch up? (Summary)
Sidorov A.A.