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ISSN 1726-5223
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Russia yesterday, today, tomorrow
«What are the Ruins that I Speak from...»
Pivovarov Yu.S.
Russia and the world in the 21st century
The Russian Areas Bordering the EU and China: Common Features and Differences
Cochegarova T.M.
Big State Projects as a Base of the Chinese Economy Development
Kiva A.V.
The Kachinsky Brothers and the Ten Year «Polish-Polish War». The End of «Great Confrontation»?
Lykoshina L.S.
The Interaction of the RF and FRG in Regulating Armed Conflicts, 2005–2009
Trunov Ph.O.
The Polish Way of European Integration
Sinitsina I.S., Chudakova N.A.
Hungary's EU Membership: Lost Illusions
Volotov O.G., Volotov S.O.
European Integration in the Bulgarian Version
Valeva T.E.
The Dimmed Image of Slovenia
Knyazev Yu.K.
Reflections, communications, comments
Russian and the EU: Can the Hansa Union experience Be Employed?
Simonyan R.Kh.
Human Capital in Russia in the Context of Social and Economic Modernization
Didenko D.V.
Phenomenology of Soviet society
The Making of Institutions of the Mobilization War Economy in the USSR
Bokarev Yu.P.
Personal Space in the Soviet Everyday Life, 1920–1930
Barysheva Ye.V.
Scholarly and cultural life
The Boratynsky Museum in Kazan
Skvortsova Ye.V.
Facts, events, people
The Russian Emigration in Hankou (China)
Sharonova V.G.
Reviews. Summaries
Molénat X. Demain, onze milliards d`étres humains? (Summary)
Kulikova S.N.
Fu A.S., Markus H.R. My mother and me: Why tiger mothers motivate Asian Americans but not European Americans. (Summary)
Kozlova M.A.