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ISSN 1726-5223
Publication Ethics
For Authors
DOI: 10.31249/rsm/2017.03.00
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Russia yesterday, today, tomorrow
What Was the Bolshevik October for Russia? The Human Cost of the «Great October»
Tsipko A.S.
The Hague Conferences 1899, 1907
Sayamov Yu.N.
Turkestan Captivity: German and Austro-Hungarian War Prisoners in Russian Turkestan During the First World War
Kotyukova T.V.
Russia and the world in the 21st century
Leadership Potential of Russia in the Global World
Drobot G.A., Shcherbakova A.Ya.
Russia and NATO: Partnership or Confrontation?
Bazhukov V.I.
Transformation of NATO at the Present Stage
Mironova D.S.
Meeting on the Danube: Problems and Prospects of Russian-Hungarian Relations
Borodenko M.M.
Belarusian Economic Model Facing Serious Challenges
Shurubovich A.V.
Indian-Russian Relations in the 21st Century: A View from the Other Side
Leonova O.G.
Russian-Chinese Investment Cooperation in the Context of «Russia's Turn Eastward»
Novoselova L.V.
Foreign Trade Cooperation of the Eaeu and Vietnam in the Context of the Free Trade Zone Creation
Pylin A.G.
Phenomenology of Soviet society
Literature and Politics: Russian Literary Community of 1890–1920-ies in Political Context
Feldman D.M.
As Comrade Stalin Started to Govern the Literary Front
Yurganov A.L.
Ideological Expertise and Historical Knowledge in Bolshevik Russia of 1920-ies – the First Half of 30-ies
Parsamov V.S.
The October Revolution and Problems of Formation of the Soviet Justice System (1917–1920)
Babenko V.N.
Reflections, communications, comments
The Reform of Bureaucracy: Comparing the Experience of Great Britain and Russia
Borshchevsky G.A.
The Russian Revolution: The Problem of Legitimacy
Schultz E.E.
Russian «Soft Power» and Ways to Improve its Efficiency
Smorodina Yu.V.