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ISSN 1726-5223
Publication Ethics
For Authors
DOI: 10.31249/rsm/2018.01.00
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In memory of Vladimir Alekseevich Vinogradov
Russia yesterday, today, tomorrow
«He Will Always Be the Victim of Intrigues»: Court Fight in the Reign of Emperor Alexander I
Gotovtseva A.G.
The Decembrists and the Americans’ Perception of Russia’s Modernization Prospects in the Context of the 1820s Revolutionary Wave
Panov A.S.
A.I. Herzen about the Problem of Political Violence
Ilyin A.A.
Resettlement Policy of the Russian Military Authorities During the «Great Retreat» of 1915
Astashov A.B.
Russia–1917: The Problem of Historical Choice
Glebova I.I.
«I Saw Dead…»: The Russian Red Cross and the American Red Cross in Siberia and the Far East in 1918–1920
Ippolitov S.S.
Russia and the world in the 21st century
France and Russia in the Era of E. Macron: A Real Rapprochement, is it Possible?
Chernega V.N.
Foreign Policy of Russia in the Contemporary International System
Konovalova N.A.
Italian Migration Policy in the First Decade of the XXI Century: Experience for Russia
Grineva Yu.A.
Food Sovereignty as a Factor of the Contemporary World Order
Malov A.V.
Russia's Role in the Formation of the Eurasian Interstate Transport Projects
Pinyugina E.V.
The New Russian Borderland: The post-Soviet Belarus in Socio-Anthropological Perspective
Uvarova T.B.
Reflections, communications, comments
Economic Aspects of Contemporary Terrorism
Zhilina I.Yu.
Anti-Corruption Legislation of the PRC in 1995–2015
Adams O.Yu.
The Concept of Heterotopia and the Contemporary World Order: The Problem Statement
Skvortsov L.V.
Reviews. Summaries
Russian Emigrants in Italy in the 20th Century: The New Research Work
Lyubin V.P.
Fundamental Principles of the Russian Political Elite: Law, Truth, Public Welfare and Violence. (Summary)
Belinskii A.V.