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ISSN 1726-5223
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Russia yesterday, today, tomorrow
Articles for rubric "Russia yesterday, today, tomorrow"
The Russian Labour Market in 2014–2016: Stability without Development
Akhapkin N.Yu.
Overcoming poverty and inequality: Myths and axioms
Aleksandrova O.A.
A Russian diplomat’s social circle in the late 18th – early 19th centuries (Vasily Stepanovich Tomara)
Andreeva G.N.
Russia Abroad after the Second World War: In search of a consolidating idea
Antoshin A.V.
The Problem of «The Russian Transit» in the European Thought of the XVIIth Century (Using an Example of «The Notes about Muscovy» of De La Neuville)
Astashkin R.S.
Resettlement Policy of the Russian Military Authorities During the «Great Retreat» of 1915
Astashov A.B.
Cuban Crisis in the Emotional Representations of Americans (using letters from American citizens to Nikita Khrushchev as an example)
Avanskaya V.A.
The Ideological Factor and the Turkic Element in Russia’s Policy through the Prism of Transformation of the World Order
Avatkov V.A.
Problems of the Fight Against Corruption in the Authorities in Post-Soviet Russia
Babenko V.N.
The New Russian Capitalism: Institutionalization of Corruption
Barsukova S.Yu.
Employment Quality and Observance of Labour Rights in the Sphere of Small Business
Baskakova M.E., Soboleva I.V.
Perceptions of «heroes of the time» in the minds of Russian youth: basic hypotheses and features of the social situation in modern Russia
Belov S.I., Vanteevsky M.M., Yarosheva D.V.
Collection of Information on War Crimes of the Austro- German Troops During the First World War (Based on Materials from the Moscow Province)
Bogomolov I.K.
The Russo-Japanese War and the 1905 Revolution in the Coverage of American Journalist Stanley Washburn
Bogomolov I.K.
World War I as a Measure of Russian Economic Progress
Buldakov V.P.
1917: Faces, Guises and Faces of the Revolution
Buldakov V.P.
How to Understand the Revolution?
Buldakov V.P.
«Avoid underestimating the scientific, political and cultural significance of Russia and not overlooking Eastern Europe…». Interview of V.P. Lubin with prof. Chr. Butterwegge. Cologne, November 2020
Butterwegge Chr., Ljubin V.P.
Agrarian Politics: Scientific Grounds and the «Authentic Russian Path» of Its Implementation
Buzdalov I.N.
«Breakthrough» or Lag? Russian Project in the Contemporary World
Chernega V.N.
Russia Between the Past and the Future. About the Lessons of History
Chernega V.N.
«Legislative Initiative» of the State Council of Russian Empire in the Second Half of the 19th Century
Chernikova N.V.
International Dynastic Projects in Russia During the Reign of Fyodor Ioannovich
Chernikova T.V.
«The sovereign's word and deed» in the times of the first Romanovs
Chernikova T.V.
The Riga period in the life of Professor D.D. Grimm and his family
Coia S.A.
The Russian General and Chinese Radicals
Damier V.V.
Dembinski M., Polianskii M.A.
On the Goals and Means of Implementing the Educational Reform: A Sociological Analysis
Donskikh O.A.
Russia in the process of digital transformation of the world economy
Dorzhieva V.V.
Ulyanov-Lenin. Touches to the Portrait
Dudakov S.
«The Truthful Protocol of the Current Madness»: Painter A.N. Benua on the Revolutionary Events of 1917
Dunaeva Yu.V.
Russia of the 1990’s: The Neoliberal Path to Neopatrimonialism
Efremenko D.V.
Russia – 1917: The Glorious Revolution of the Troops in Reserve
Glebova I.I.
The Autumn of Autocracy
Glebova I.I.
The 20th century against absolutism
Glebova I.I.
Russia, 2014-2016: The new course
Glebova I.I.
About Russian Studies in Russia and at the Russian Studies Centre of the Institute of Scientific Information for Social Sciences
Glebova I.I.
The Hideous Times of Breakup on Russian Revolution and Culture
Glebova I.I.
Russia–1917: The Problem of Historical Choice
Glebova I.I.
Energy transition in Siberia and Scandinavia: dimensions of transformation
Gorbacheva N.V.
«He Will Always Be the Victim of Intrigues»: Court Fight in the Reign of Emperor Alexander I
Gotovtseva A.G.
The West as a Model? The Comparative Analysis of the Modernisation Experiences of the Russian and Ottoman Empires in Turkish Literature
Hazır Ü.N.
A.I. Herzen about the Problem of Political Violence
Ilyin A.A.
«I Saw Dead…»: The Russian Red Cross and the American Red Cross in Siberia and the Far East in 1918–1920
Ippolitov S.S.
The role of militaryeconomic activities amidst global instability: the agenda for Russia
Kazennov S.Yu., Kumachev V.N., Koroleva E.M.
The Import Substitution and Competitiveness
Kheyfets B.A.
Global TNCs in Russia under Conditions of Import Substitution
Kheyfets B.A., Chernova V.Ju.
A New View of Russia’s Economic Integration Strategy with Central Asian Countries in Modern Geopolitical Realities of World Economy
Kheyfets B.A., Chernova V.Yu.
«The Central Committee and Presidium pay most serious attention to “Culture”»: the work of Soviet researchers on «History of Russian Culture» in the late 1930s – 1940s
Kholmatov T.K.
Digital gap as a global phenomenon and a challenge for Russia
Khotulev A.S.
Ethnic Nationalism in Mass Consciousness of the post-Soviet Russia
Kim A.S., Dovgopolov E.Yu.
The Empire of Lost Opportunities. On the History of Public Attitudes in the Russian Empire in the Late 1810s – Early 1820s
Kiyanskaya O.I.
The Decembrists in Russian History and Historiography: Polemical Notes
Kiyanskaya O.I.
«This trial shall be completed in 24 hours». Poltava Infantry Regiment after the Decembrist Uprising
Kiyanskaya O.I.
«People of the 1820s». On the Biographies of Matvey and Sergey Murav’ev-Apostols
Kiyanskaya O.I.
Literature and theatre entertainment in the era of Alexander I. V.V. Kapnist and V.A. Yanovsky at D.P. Troshchinsky’s estate
Kiyanskaya O.I.
Society of the Former Students of the Imperial Alexander Lyceum and its Archive in Emigration (1920–1930)
Klimovich L.V.
The Revolt of the Czechoslovak Corps in 1918: Modern View on the Problem
Kopylov N.A.
Russian-German Trade Relations in the Late XIXth and Early XXth Centuries (On the Example of Grain Trade)
Kotov B.S.
Turkestan Captivity: German and Austro-Hungarian War Prisoners in Russian Turkestan During the First World War
Kotyukova T.V.
«Geisergate» in the Republic of Komi: Non-performing institutions of authoritarian administration and political order
Kovalev V.A.
Is There the Beginning of Revolution? (Article 1)
Kovalev V.A.
The Revolution Never Ends? From Political Coups to Changing the Bases of Civilization (Article 2)
Kovalev V.A.
Family and family values in presidential discourse: content, analysis, discussion
Kovba D.M.
Letters of the Decembrist D.I. Zavalishin to the editor S.N. Shubinsky: the relationship between the author and the publisher at the end of the 19th century
Kravtsov A.N.
Understanding the Revolution of 1917 Among Russian Emigration in China
Krotova M.V.
Common Education in the Conditions of International Competition: Guide lines for Development
Kulagina Ye.V.
The German Intervention of 1918 on the Eastern Boarder of Russia (the Bryansk Region Case)
Lannik L.V.
Counterrevolution’s financier. The pro-German political and economic project of Karl Jaroszynski in 1918
Lannik L.V., Tarasov K.A.
«It Is a Sin to Leave One and the Same Person for a Long Time in this Stupid and Boring Place»: About One Everyday Factor in Life and Activities of Russian Diplomats in Iran in the XIX – Early XX Century
Larin A.B.
Import Substitution in the Union State: Directions for Effective Cooperation between Russia and Belarus
Lenchuk E.B.
To Bury Monarchy Under a Mountain of Words. Petrograd and Moscow Newspapers About the Destiny of the Abdicated Emperor Nicholas II and His Family Members
Limanova S.A.
Epic Heroes and Epic Fables. Festivities during the crowing of Emperor Alexander III
Limanova S.A.
On the Results of Parliamentary Elections in Russia: The Fate of the Winners
Lukyanova E.A.
The Year 1915 in the History of the Russian Empire: Contemporaries’ Letters
Lykova L.A.
Mombauer A. Die Julikrise. Europas Weg in den Ersten Weltkrieg. (Summary)
Lyubin V.P.
Afghan upheaval in the Mirror of Russian Politics: Russia and the Taliban
Machitidze G.G.
Modernizing the economy of Russia: In search of subject
Melnik D.V.
On the Problem of the Socio-Cultural Dynamics of the Russian Statehood
Mikaylova I.G.
Biotechnological revolution in medicine as a new challenge for society: the experience of its perception in the USA and Russia
Mikhel D.V., Reznik O.N.
On the Persistence of Socio-cultural Stereotypes in Russia (Reading the History of the Country)
Minervin I.G.
The Asia Pacific Region in Russia’s International Energy Cooperation in the 21st Century
Mishchenko Ya.V.
The development of strategic planning in Russia: a view through the prism of higher economic education
Molchanov I.N., Molchanova N.P.
Peculiarities of the demographic transition in Russia and China
Mozias P.M., Mazerskaya E.A.
The Rural Youth in Russia: The Present and the Future
Mukhanova M.N.
The Employment of Rural Population of Russia in the Informal Sector
Mukhanova M.N.
The concept of «rules» in the doctrine of «the world (international) order based on rules»
Nefedov B.I.
October of 1917: «The Revolution of Spirit» and «Revolt». (History of the «Revolution» Ideology)
Odesskii M.P.
«War invalids»: The Social Status of Disabled Soldiers in Russian Publicity, 1914–1916
Okhotnikova O.K.
The Decembrists and the Americans’ Perception of Russia’s Modernization Prospects in the Context of the 1820s Revolutionary Wave
Panov A.S.
Within the ethical space of the russian university in the great reforms era
Parsamov V.S.
New Technologies in the Russian Household Modernization
Patsiorkovsky V.V.
Patriarch Sergius in the Policy of Memory of the Russian Orthodox Church in the End of the XXth – Beginning of the XXIst Century
Pinyugina E.V.
«What are the Ruins that I Speak from...»
Pivovarov Yu.S.
«The sixteenth year is coming»
Pivovarov Yu.S.
Legislative process in Russia: No decision is also a decision?
Pomiguev I.A.
Immigrants from the Russian Empire in the Early History of New Zealand
Rudnikova E.V.
«Children Budget»: A New Management Technology in the Social Sphere
Rzhanitsina L.S.
Were Colonial Hotels the Outposts of European Culture? Testimonies of Russian Travelers to Netherlands Indies from Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries
Savitskiy E.E.
The Hague Conferences 1899, 1907
Sayamov Yu.N.
Russia’s military-technical cooperation with Middle Eastern states as a factor of stability in the region
Shchyokin A.S.
Cooperation and Conflict: The Authorities and Public Organizations during World War I
Shevyrin V.M.
From the Power of the Soviets to the Power of the Party
Shubin A.V.
The «Greater Eurasian Partnership» Eurasian initiative and «One Belt – One Road»: a comparative analysis
Shuping Ya.
Russia: Wages and the Dynamics of Strike Activity
Sobolev E.N.
Russian Labor Relations and Labor Mentality in the Conditions of Market Transformation
Sobolev E.N.
F.M. Burlatsky and Establishment of the Human Rights and Freedoms in Russia
Sobolev V.A.
The Ageing of Russian Population as a Factor of Budget Crisis
Solovyov A.K.
The Spanish Right about the Revolution in Russia
Tereshchuk A.A.
The particular trips of the Russian master: The journey of prince D.M. Volkonsky to his estates in 1830
Trifonova S.A.
German-Russian cooperation in the sphere of security and defense by early 2020-s: reaching the limits?
Trunov Ph.O.
What Was the Bolshevik October for Russia? The Human Cost of the «Great October»
Tsipko A.S.
«The man is Russian», 2014: Who are we, where are we going
Verchenov L.N.
The Russian Rulers: The Problem of Social Responsibility in a Historical Retrospective
Vittenberg Ye.Ya.
The Russian Revolution of 1917: The Socio-Economic Problems
Voeykov M.I.
The «Statisation» of the Economy: The Lessons of History and Ideology (To the 100th Anniversary of «War Communism»)
Voeykov M.I.
Socio-Economic Inequality: The Russian Trends
Voeykov M.I., Anisimova G.V.
General D.S. Pozdnyshev: Life in a foreign land
Volodko A.V.
The representation of Russia on the Serbian public media service
Vujović M., Milosavljević I., Simeunović Bajić N.
INION Fire as Seen by the Volunteers (The Sociological Research Experience)
Yadova M.A.
The image of imperial Russia in the educational policy of the Turkestan Region at the turn of the XIX–XX centuries (On the example of the Turkestan Department of the Russian Geographical Society)
Zakirova M.H.